Abstract for: Group Model Building
This workshop presents an introduction to the practice of Group Modeling for system dynamics models as it has been developing at several research centers over the past fifteen years. Group Modeling is a set of computer assisted and facilitated techniques for building system dynamics models working directly with a client team--a team of three to four modelers working with a client team of up to a dozen participants over a series of usually whole day meetings. Major topics will include composition of the facilitation and modeling team, preliminary logistics and room set up, and sample scripts for a first and a second workshop. Topics to be covered include defining a problem dynamically, sketching initial policy options and expectations, identifying stakeholders, introducing the system dynamics approach, how to begin mapping, refining the map (heading toward quantification) and finally quantifying the model and moving toward a formal simulation. The workshop will blend short lectures with a series of hands on exercises to illustrate specific techniques and approaches.